Tsitsani Tap the Frog Faster
Tsitsani Tap the Frog Faster,
Dinani Frog Faster itha kufotokozedwa ngati masewera aluso ammanja omwe amakhala ndi masewera angonoangono osiyanasiyana ndipo amapereka zosangalatsa kwanthawi yayitali.
Tsitsani Tap the Frog Faster
Mu Tap the Frog Faster, masewera omwe mutha kutsitsa ndikusewera kwaulere pa mafoni ndi mapiritsi anu pogwiritsa ntchito makina opangira a Android, ngwazi yathu yayikulu ndi chule wokongola. Muulendo wake watsopano, ngwazi yathu ya chule imayesa kukhala wophunzira wa chule poyendera kachisi, ndipo timatsagana naye paulendowu ndikumuthandiza kuthana ndi mayeso omwe amakumana nawo. Kuti tichite ntchitoyi, tiyenera kugwiritsa ntchito luso lathu logwira ntchito komanso ma reflexes.
Mu Tap the Frog Faster, nthawi zambiri timakumana ndi zododometsa ngati masewera ofananiza mitundu, ndipo mumapuzzles awa timapeza zinthu zamtundu wofanana ndi mawonekedwe kuti zigwirizane nazo. Popeza tapatsidwa nthawi yochuluka kuti tichite ntchitoyi, Dinani Frog Faster ikhoza kupereka masewera osangalatsa kwambiri.
Mu Tap the Frog Faster, mutha kukumana ndi achule amphamvu ndikuwonetsa luso lanu pomenya nawo. Dinani Frog Faster nthawi zambiri imakhala ndi zithunzi zokondweretsa.
Tap the Frog Faster Malingaliro
- Nsanja: Android
- Gulu: Game
- Chilankhulo: Chingerezi
- Kukula kwa Fayilo: 60.10 MB
- Chilolezo: Zaulere
- Mapulogalamu: Playmous
- Kusintha Kwaposachedwa: 25-06-2022
- Tsitsani: 1