Tsitsani Super Smash the Office
Tsitsani Super Smash the Office,
Super Smash the Office ndi masewera ochita masewera olimbitsa thupi omwe mungasangalale nawo ngati mukufuna kuthetsa nkhawa komanso kusangalala.
Tsitsani Super Smash the Office
Super Smash the Office, masewera omwe mutha kutsitsa ndikusewera kwaulere pa mafoni ndi mapiritsi anu pogwiritsa ntchito pulogalamu ya Android, imakhudza nkhani yamisala yomwe ingachitike kwa wogwira ntchito muofesi aliyense. Kukwiyira bwana wanu kuntchito? Kodi abwenzi anu amakukwiyitsani nthawi iliyonse? Simukukonda desiki yomwe mukugwirako ntchito? Kodi kompyuta yanu ikuyenda molimba kwambiri? Apa mutha kupeza yankho lamavuto onsewa mu Super Smash the Office.
Super Smash Office ndi masewera omwe mumanyamula zida ngati nkhwangwa kapena ndodo ndikuwononga ofesi yanu. Cholinga chathu chachikulu pamasewerawa, omwe amaseweredwa ndi maso a mbalame, ndikuphwanya chilichonse chomwe chili patsogolo pathu munthawi yake popeza khoma limakhala likutiyandikira ndikupitilirabe patsogolo. Pamene tikugwira ntchitoyi, ma robot otetezera akuyesera kutiletsa; kotero tiyenera kumenya ma robot kaye.
Zithunzi za Super Smash the Office ndi zamtundu wokhutiritsa ndipo zowongolera zamasewera ndizosavuta.
Super Smash the Office Malingaliro
- Nsanja: Android
- Gulu: Game
- Chilankhulo: Chingerezi
- Kukula kwa Fayilo: 34.00 MB
- Chilolezo: Zaulere
- Mapulogalamu: Tuokio Inc.
- Kusintha Kwaposachedwa: 16-05-2022
- Tsitsani: 1