Tsitsani Ride with the Frog
Tsitsani Ride with the Frog,
Kwerani ndi Chule ndi masewera a papulatifomu momwe timakhala nawo paulendo wopanda malire wa chule yemwe amadziwa kuyendetsa magalimoto oyenda mawilo awiri. Ngakhale zikuwonetsa kuti zimakopa osewera achichepere ndi mizere yowonera, ndikuganiza kuti ndizopanga zomwe anthu azaka zonse amatha kusewera mosangalatsa.
Tsitsani Ride with the Frog
Mmasewerawa, timawongolera chule, yemwe amagwiritsa ntchito imodzi mwamagalimoto odziwika bwino anthawi yomaliza. Cholinga chathu ndikupulumutsa anzathu achule omwe atsekeredwa. Palibe zotchinga pakati pathu ndi anzathu omwe akuyembekezera kupulumutsidwa kupatula nthawi. Panthawiyi, mungaganize kuti masewerawa ndi osavuta, koma nthawi yoperekedwa ndi masekondi 20. Inde, tili ndi masekondi 20 kuti tipulumutse anzathu. Ndikofunika kusunga nthawi kuti mutolere mawotchi a apo ndi apo chifukwa nthawi ikutha.
Ride with the Frog Malingaliro
- Nsanja: Android
- Gulu: Game
- Chilankhulo: Chingerezi
- Kukula kwa Fayilo: 79.00 MB
- Chilolezo: Zaulere
- Mapulogalamu: Playmous
- Kusintha Kwaposachedwa: 20-06-2022
- Tsitsani: 1