Tsitsani ReRunners: Race for the World
Tsitsani ReRunners: Race for the World,
ReRunners: Race for the World ndi masewera ammanja omwe ali ndi mawonekedwe osangalatsa komanso mipikisano yosangalatsa yapaintaneti.
Tsitsani ReRunners: Race for the World
ReRunners: Race for the World, masewera omwe mutha kutsitsa ndikusewera kwaulere pa mafoni ndi mapiritsi anu pogwiritsa ntchito makina opangira a Android, ali ndi mawonekedwe omwe amaphatikiza mitundu yosiyanasiyana yamasewera. Mu masewerawa, omwe ali ndi maonekedwe a 2-dimensional, timapanga njira yathu podumpha zopinga ndi kutolera golide, monga momwe zilili pamasewera a nsanja. Koma masewerawa kwenikweni ndi masewera othamanga. Tikupikisana kuti tikhale othamanga kwambiri padziko lonse lapansi pamasewera omwe timayesetsa kusiya adani athu kumbuyo ndi ngwazi yathu.
Chifukwa cha mipikisano yapaintaneti ya ReRunners: Race for the World, titha kuchita mipikisano yodzaza ndi adrenaline. Titha kupeza mwayi pogwiritsa ntchito mabonasi osiyanasiyana pamipikisano yomwe timapanga pamasewera. Kuphatikiza pa ma jetpacks ndi mabonasi omwe amatithamangitsa kwakanthawi, titha kutchera adani athu popangitsa kuti zinthu ziipireipire ndi mabonasi monga bomba.
ReRunners: Race for the World imapereka mawonekedwe osangalatsa okhala ndi zithunzi zake zokongola za retro.
ReRunners: Race for the World Malingaliro
- Nsanja: Android
- Gulu: Game
- Chilankhulo: Chingerezi
- Chilolezo: Zaulere
- Mapulogalamu: Game Alliance
- Kusintha Kwaposachedwa: 14-08-2022
- Tsitsani: 1