Tsitsani New Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Tsitsani New Romance of the Three Kingdoms,
New Romance of the Three Kingdoms imadziwika ngati masewera opatsa chidwi omwe mutha kusewera pamapiritsi ndi mafoni anu a Android.
Tsitsani New Romance of the Three Kingdoms
New Romance of the Three Kingdoms, yomwe ndi masewera anthawi yeniyeni, ikukhudza kulimbana kwa maufumu atatu osiyanasiyana. Mmasewera omwe mutha kukweza ufumu wanu, mumakweza ankhondo anu ndikumenyana ndi osewera apamwamba. Mutha kukulitsa mizinda yanu ndikuwongolera zida zosiyanasiyana pamasewera momwe mungamenyere mwamphamvu. Mutha kukhala ndi nthawi yosangalatsa kwambiri pamasewera, yomwe mutha kusintha posonkhanitsa magulu ankhondo. Mu masewerawa, omwe ali ndi mapu akulu, mumakweza nyumba zanu ndikulemekeza ufumu wanu. Mutha kukhazikitsanso magulu ndi anzanu pamasewera momwe mungamenyere mwamphamvu kuti mupambane.
Pali anthu osiyanasiyana pamasewerawa, omwe ndingawafotokoze ngati masewera akulu. Mutha kuwongolera ngwazi zamphamvu zopitilira 100. Osaphonya New Romance of the Three Kingdoms masewera, omwe amadziwika bwino ndi zowoneka bwino komanso zambiri. Mutha kutsitsa New Romance of the Three Kingdoms pazida zanu za Android kwaulere.
New Romance of the Three Kingdoms Malingaliro
- Nsanja: Android
- Gulu: Game
- Chilankhulo: Chingerezi
- Kukula kwa Fayilo: 29.00 MB
- Chilolezo: Zaulere
- Mapulogalamu: BBGame HK
- Kusintha Kwaposachedwa: 21-07-2022
- Tsitsani: 1