Tsitsani Empires War - Age of the Kingdoms
Tsitsani Empires War - Age of the Kingdoms,
Empires War - Age of the Kingdoms ndi mtundu wamasewera anthawi yeniyeni omwe mutha kutsitsa kuchokera ku Google Play ndi foni yanu yammanja pogwiritsa ntchito makina opangira a Android.
Tsitsani Empires War - Age of the Kingdoms
Sitingalakwitse ngati tingatchule mtundu wamtundu wa Age of Empires II wa Empires War - Age of the Kingdoms, wopangidwa ndi situdiyo yamasewera yotchedwa Super Dream Network. Kupanga uku, komwe kumalemba chilichonse kuchokera pamasewera odziwika bwino, adakwanitsabe kuyika masewera opambana kwambiri kwa osewera ammanja. Kukupatsirani masewera olimbitsa thupi apamwamba kwambiri munthawi yeniyeni ndi mawonekedwe ake othamanga komanso kuwongolera kosavuta mmalo mwazithunzi zake, Empires War - Age of the Kingdoms ndi imodzi mwamasewera omwe angayesedwe.
Kufotokozera mwachidule omwe adaphonya kuthamanga kwa Age of Empires II, Empires War - Age of the Kingdoms ndi masewera omwe mumayesa kukulitsa chitukuko chanu pokonza zinthu. Pakupanga uku, komwe mumayamba ndi antchito ochepa, cholinga chanu ndikusonkhanitsa zinthu zomwe zikuzungulirani, kuzisintha kukhala nyumba, ndikutulutsa asirikali mnyumbazi ndikupha adani ozungulira. Kupanga, komwe kumayikanso dongosololi pa MMO, ndiye kuti, mutu wapaintaneti wa anthu ambiri, zitha kuyambitsidwanso ngati mtundu wa Age of Empires wa Clash of Clans.
Empires War - Age of the Kingdoms Malingaliro
- Nsanja: Android
- Gulu: Game
- Chilankhulo: Chingerezi
- Chilolezo: Zaulere
- Mapulogalamu: Super Dream Network Technology Co., Ltd
- Kusintha Kwaposachedwa: 26-07-2022
- Tsitsani: 1